A "Highway Etiquetteer

In 2018, traffic on national roads was backed up for over 25,000 hours. It is up to the road users themselves to ensure that traffic flows more smoothly and safely. That is why the Federal Roads Office has launched the "Autobahn Knigge".

Highway etiquette
Whenever there is a traffic jam on freeways, the following applies: Keep an emergency lane free in the middle of the two lanes for emergency vehicles. © Federal Roads Office

Traffic congestion is the most common cause of congestion on the highways, accounting for almost 90 percent; around 10 percent of congestion hours are caused by accidents. Therefore, not only targeted expansions and traffic management measures contribute to a better traffic flow, as the Federal Roads Office (Astra) writes. Road users themselves can also make a contribution to better traffic flow and greater road safety on freeways through their behavior. The "Autobahn-Knigge" gives some tips for good behavior on the highway based on concrete situations.

Some examples:

  • How do you behave when entering and leaving the vehicle?
  • When, where and how do you form an emergency lane?
  • How do you use assistance systems?
  • How do you drive safely through a construction zone?
  • What to do in case of a breakdown or accident?

Freeway Etiquette" is supported by the Automobile Club of Switzerland (ACS), the Association of Chiefs of Traffic Police (ACVS), the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu), the Swiss Border Guard Corps (GWK), the Touring Club Switzerland (TCS) and the Swiss Transport Club (VCS). FEDRO would like to thank the partner organizations for their valuable support.

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