More mental stress and cardiovascular diseases as a consequence

Under the motto "Remember the dead, fight for the living," Workers Memorial Day on April 28 calls for improvements in occupational safety and health. This year, the German Employer's Liability Insurance Association for the Construction Industry (BG BAU), among others, will focus on the increasing mental stress in the world of work. 

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Despite all protective measures, many employees still have accidents at work. According to its own figures, the German employers' liability insurance association BG BAU alone records around 130,000 reportable occupational and commuting accidents and occupational illnesses every year.

"Every accident and every illness is associated with great suffering for those affected and their families," says Prof. Frank Werner, Deputy Head of the Prevention Department at the German BG BAU. That's why it's important to make everyone involved aware of safety and health protection. This must become as natural as eating, drinking and sleeping.

This year, Workers Memorial Day is focusing on mental stress in the workplace. These can also lead to health problems in the construction industry and in construction-related services: intense pressure to meet deadlines or to perform, simultaneous supervision of different tasks, a fast pace of work and constantly recurring work processes can stress employees just as much as noise, long travel times and absences from home, for example during assembly work.

More hazards for cardiovascular disease

As a result, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders and depression or anxiety disorders can arise. Accidents can also result from mental stress, for example due to a loss of concentration. Since 2013, employers have therefore been obliged to take mental stress into account in the risk assessment and to implement measures to protect employees.

"Even though other hazards are often more visible, mental stress must not be lost sight of. The construction industry is a key sector in the economy. However, the high demand is also accompanied by stress for employees. This makes it all the more important to design work in a healthy way," says Werner.

Source: BG Bau

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