Summer time is heat time

Summer has arrived, not only in terms of the calendar, but also in terms of temperatures. However, adequate protection against heat on the construction site is indispensable. However, acute danger can be counteracted with a few basic tips. 

Image: depositphotos

High temperatures put a lot of strain on the body, while the heat also affects the circulatory system. Even before the hottest temperatures arrive, preventive protective measures should already be taken against heat hazards on construction sites.

Because if the body no longer manages to keep its body temperature stable, this can lead to life-threatening illnesses such as sudden heat stroke. In addition, heat stress increases the risk of accidents at work.

"The most effective protection against heat is to avoid working in the sun wherever possible," explains Bernhard Arenz, head of BG BAU's Prevention Department.

The professional association from Germany summarizes some important tips, because there are effective tools that can be divided into four fields of action:

1. protection against excessive heat from the outside

For this purpose, it is recommended to shift working hours to cooler times of the day, to use shading devices, air conditioning (for example, of drivers' cabs) and to avoid or minimize additional heat sources.

2. reduction of internal heat production

This goal is achieved, for example, by reducing the workload. Reducing the workload by using aids also contributes to this. Additional breaks and the avoidance of "heavy" meals are also a contribution.

3. facilitating the release of heat

Heat stress generates heat in the body. Cooling is achieved, for example, by headgear with moistened neck protection. Neck protection cloths can also be attached to helmets. Fans create additional cooling air movements and breaks in a cooler environment also provide cooling.

4. ensuring adequate fluid intake.

We all know it, but unfortunately it is often neglected - drinking enough. Providing enough water, tea or diluted fruit juices is another simple way to protect against the heat. Of course, regular drinking breaks should then also be scheduled.

Source: BG Bau

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