From June the new hazard symbols apply

The hazard symbols on chemical products will definitely be changed to the international standard from June 2015.

The hazard symbols for chemicals are now the same worldwide.
The hazard symbols for chemicals are now the same worldwide.

The new GHS hazard symbols are now finally coming into force in Switzerland.

The international system for hazard assessment and labeling of chemical products was proposed by the UN. The global harmonization of symbols is intended to provide better protection, but also simplifications in the trade of chemical products.

The symbols are now black on a white background and framed in red. Their appearance is thus intended to be reminiscent of warning signs in road traffic.

While the new labeling is still voluntary for mixed substances until June 1, 2015, the old labeling may only be used in sales after this date. From June 1, 2017, only the new labeling will be permitted.

The website of the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH offers information material, risk tests and campaign material for the changeover.

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