Attacks with consequences climbed to record level

Cybercrime and attacks on IT systems are now commonplace for most companies. The number of cyber attacks with relevant consequences is said to have climbed to record levels.


According to the survey of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), over 50% of all companies in Germany were the target of a successful hacker attack this year - an increase of over 13% compared to the previous year. One in ten companies even reports relevant consequences of the cyber attack, so that with every attack the existence of the company is at stake, as the VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH writes.

"Medium-sized companies in particular are often in the crosshairs of cyber criminals," says VdS Managing Director Robert Reinermann. "This is because medium-sized companies are usually highly innovative, but at the same time have only inadequate protection in the area of IT security. One of the main reasons for this is the conventional security standards, which often overburden medium-sized companies," Reinermann continues.

This security gap has been closed with the VdS guidelines 3473 closed. The new cyber security standard for SMEs was presented for the first time at this year's CeBIT. The aforementioned guideline is now one of the top three standards for implementing an information security management system (ISMS).

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