Designing work in a way that is conducive to health

The 7th ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz trade fair in Bern focused on all aspects of safety and protection in the workplace and brought together numerous big names under one roof.

2781 visitors again took the opportunity this year to find out about products and market trends relating to occupational safety and health. © Markus Frutig, Safety-Plus

Alexander R. Petsch, Managing Director of the trade fair organizer børding, is convinced: "The Occupational Safety Switzerland is the relevant industry window for Occupational safety and health and Occupational Medicine and will become even more important in the future. There has probably never been so much expertise on the subject in one place in Switzerland. The trade show is characterized by a large variety of products to touch and try out, especially in the area of Rope Access. In addition, numerous aspects of health promotion were addressed.

200 exhibitors and partners showed their product innovations

2781 visitors again took the opportunity this year to find out about products and market trends relating to occupational safety and health protection and to exchange views with colleagues. Because the adjusting screws are versatile and range from the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), handling of hazardous materials, occupational hygiene, to risk assessment, alerting, First aid and Rescue mission to workplace and working time design, as well as early detection of psychosocial risks. Around 200 exhibitors and partners showcased their product innovations for occupational safety clothing, fall protection, load securing, packaging and hazardous goods, among other things, which are designed to make everyday working life safer for employees. In addition, it became clear at the trade show how much new technologies are changing product manufacturing and the processes in this segment. These include, for example, modern app solutions for risk assessment, digital learning platforms or digital tools for the Health Promotion of employees and early detection of risks and hazards.

From experts to experts

The trade visitors were able to exchange ideas directly with the experts on site. Katharina Walser, President of the sees this as a major plus point: "Here we can talk directly to the right experts," she says. The, which networks players in the field of health promotion in Switzerland, has been very well received, especially by representatives of smaller companies, "because these in particular need support in practical implementation.

Bea Linder from Occupational Safety Switzerland, the Swiss Association for Occupational Safety and Health Protection, emphasized: "ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz is the only relevant trade fair for us and therefore the most important opportunity to present ourselves." The association is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its industry solution and took visitors on a journey through time in a presentation that showed how occupational safety has changed over time. The association has been working with the ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz trade fair since 2006, and this year again presented its solutions together with the Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung (bfu) the safety course, in which a total of seven exhibitors participated, and at whose posts visitors could test their knowledge.

Workwear with message

The Fashion Show ModelUp, in which fashionable workwear was presented in an entertaining way, provided variety again and again during the three days of the trade fair. With modern techniques, which were to be examined at the fair, workwear made of high-quality materials is embroidered and printed and becomes a uniform company outfit.

The fact that workwear can fulfill other tasks besides safety requirements was explained by fashion designer Heike Rüther vividly in her keynote address. She threw new and exciting light on the subject. Because workwear "can not only protect, but, with the right outfit, also convey the company's values". Color, symbols, style and accessories - all this, well thought out, can also convey the company values and underline the corporate identity.

Also with shoe manufacturer Stuco design aspect has been increasingly prominent for about eight years. "The shoes must meet all safety standards, but must not look like this" is how Benjamin Kauz sums up the design motto. Safety shoes are a "must have", and it is all the more important that the employees like the shoes. "Then they enjoy them and are motivated." The correct selection and preparation of protective clothing was also a topic that interested many visitors.  

Every crash is one too many

The new special area Rope Access for working at heights and fall protection had its premiere, attracting numerous visitors with its more than 20 exhibitors and is to be further expanded in the future. According to Suva figures, an average of around 10,000 falls still occur every year, as Urs Wellauer, Head of Occupational Safety at Suva, explains. Swiss Mountain Guide Association reported in his presentation. Statistically, the crashes resulted in disability cases every day and one death every two weeks, Wellauer said.

Recognizing dangers and risks in good time

"Why didn't anyone say stop here?" asked Xaver Bühlmann of Suva, asking the 250 Lives" campaign The aim is to prevent 250 fatal occupational accidents and the same number of serious disabilities over the next ten years. For the practical implementation of the safety charter, the association has launched a toolbox, which was presented in detail in several technical presentations. In the meantime, 7000 companies have joined the campaign.

Visitors at the booth during the demonstration with acids and alkalis.

In fact, basic knowledge about occupational safety and health protection should be available in every company, said Urs Hof from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO in his presentation "Prevention in the office". This also includes workplace design, from lighting to climate and noise protection. However, it is only when a company has 150 employees or more that it generally has a corporate structure in which occupational health and safety can be organized. "Poor leadership affects employees just as much as poor organization or unclear task assignments," Hof added, making it clear that, in addition to all the technical questions about PPE and ergonomic workplace design, soft factors are also increasingly coming into the focus of health managers.

The next trade fair Occupational Safety Switzerland will take place from May 26 to 28, 2020 at BERNEXPO.

Text: børding messe GmbH & Co. KG

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