Occupational Safety and Health News 2018

The 2018 Arbeitsschutz Aktuell trade congress will focus on occupational health and safety in the area of conflict between digitization and a rapidly changing world of work in a total of 16 thematic blocks.

Arbeitsschutz Aktuell 2018 in Stuttgart expects 12,000 trade visitors, 300 exhibitors and 1,000 congress participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. © HINTE Messe- und Ausstellungs-GmbH

The congress, like the trade fair taking place in parallel, sees itself not only as a provider of information for the large occupational health and safety community. Rather, they want to be a source of inspiration for companies - both large and small - that see modern occupational health and safety more as an opportunity for themselves than as an obligation to implement existing regulations.

Opening ceremony and German Youth Occupational Safety Award (JAZ)

This year's congress will begin with a keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ortwin Renn. "Industry 4.0 and globalization are placing completely new demands on occupational safety and health. Only if we meet these will safe work in Germany remain a model for success," said the scientific director of the Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS) in Potsdam. His keynote address, "Risks in the workplace in the wake of digitalization and globalization," will address the new stresses caused by Industrie 4.0 work relationships, characterize the new challenges and outline initial proposals for effective risk management.

Outstanding information providers: trade fair and regional forum

In addition to the congress, the trade fair with accompanying regional forum will also focus on developments and effects in the labor market, Health and environmental protection. Behind the 300 or so exhibitors are global players as well as regional hidden champions who must constantly adapt their innovations, products and services to the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market. The focus of the trade fair is on the topics of personal occupational safety, safety at work, road safety and ergonomics. In addition, representatives of regional companies and experts from business and research will come together at the three-day Regional Forum to discuss solutions and strategies in occupational health and safety with a special focus on specific, regional challenges. The focus is particularly on small and medium-sized enterprises, for which the regional forum aims to identify suitable solutions and strategies. The main topics are occupational medicine and ergonomics, occupational health and safety especially in daycare centers, schools and care facilities, occupational health management and risk assessment, as well as Work 4.0 and digitization.

The congress will provide solutions and impulses on the following 16 topics:

Tuesday, October 23 Occupational safety and health organization

A good and functioning organization of occupational health and safety is all the more effective the better occupational health and safety is integrated into operational processes and decisions. The event will look at methods for improving the organization of occupational health and safety and provide an outlook on potential for action.

Mental stress at work

New forms of work, the technological developments of Industry 4.0 and increasing networking are shaping the world of work. The congress block shows practitioners who are entrusted, for example, with the design of processes and work tasks, the development of products and the planning of personnel deployment, ways in which occupational health and safety can meet these challenges while maintaining the health of employees.

Health: Who, what, when? Interfaces between occupational medicine and occupational safety

Questions of occupational health and safety as well as Operational prevention and Health Promotion take on a new quality when, for example, work has to be carried out across time zones or robots and humans are to work together at a workplace. In order to include health-related aspects in the development processes from the outset, the interfaces between occupational medicine and occupational safety will once again be reflected upon and discussed using selected examples.

kommmitmensch: Culture of Prevention - The Prevention Campaign of the DGUV

The aim of the DGUV campaign is to create a culture of prevention in companies, public institutions and educational establishments. It aims to provide support in anchoring safety and health in all processes and taking them into account in all decisions. The congress event will take an intensive look at the content of the fields of action of leadership, communication, participation, error culture, working atmosphere, and safety and health, and will provide an overview of the campaign's common tools and media and discuss them.

  • You can find the congress program here.
  • The accompanying video interviews with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ortwin Renn and Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut can be found at here.
  • You can find the program for the regional forum here.

Date: October 23 - 25, 2018
Location: Messe Stuttgart, Hall 1, East Entrance, Messepiazza 1, D-70629 Stuttgart, Germany
Opening hours: daily 9:00 - 17:00


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