Occupational Safety Switzerland 2018

Managers, safety officers, health managers, fire protection as well as hazardous materials officers and co. will meet at BERNEXPO from June 19 to 21, 2018.

The main topics of the exhibition at Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz 2018 range from personal protective equipment to accident prevention and lone working. © Friederike Tröndle/ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz

ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz, 7th Trade Fair for Occupational Safety, Health Protection & Health Promotion at the Workplace, offers three days of opportunities to discover new products, try them out right away, refresh knowledge and exchange ideas with experts. The exhibition focuses on everything from personal protective equipment to accident prevention and lone working. In addition to the keynotes and specialist presentations on the Content Stages, this year's highlights include the new special area "Rope Access", which is dedicated to the rope-supported work at height and depth, as well as the safety course.

Keynotes of the ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz 2018 are fixed

ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz is entering its seventh round and the supporting program at the three content stages of the trade fair for occupational safety, health protection & health promotion in the workplace continues to take shape. Lecture highlights include keynote speakers, including industrial and organizational psychologist Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) with his presentation on psychosocial risks, the expert for corporate fashion Heike Rüther and Renato Cominwho tells about his tree care work on the two green residential towers "Bosco Verticale" in Milan.

Psychological Misconduct: From analysis to reduction

On June 19 Andreas Krause the psychological stresses in the workplace and how companies can reduce them for their employees. "The prevention of psychosocial risks in the workplace is becoming increasingly important," confirms the head of the CAS Occupational Health Management course and lecturer on work and health at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW. His keynote presentation will focus on how occupational health and safety professionals can approach and carry out a risk analysis of such stresses and strains. Based on experience with psychosocial risk analyses in more than 20 organizations, Krause will derive suggestions as to which approaches are possible and will show what is needed to make the step from analysis to design - and thus to Reduction of psychological stress can succeed.

Aging Workforce: Identifying and Mobilizing Potential

Dr. oec. Monika Engler, Professor of Economics at HTW Chur and Project Manager at the Center for Economic Policy Research ZWF, and lic. phil. Brigitte Eich, research associate at the Psychology Institute of the Department of Applied Psychology at ZHAW Zurich, will address the increasing shortage of skilled workers in their keynote address on June 20: They will present their scientific research project in which they analyzed the prerequisites for longer employment and developed possible solutions for companies. The survey of around 3,000 employees at SBB and Novartis Switzerland identified both opportunities for employees to exert influence and organizational factors.

Tree care on the "vertical forest

Keynote speaker Renato Comin takes trade visitors up to dizzying heights in his presentation - in keeping with the trade show's new special "Rope Access" area: The two "Bosco Verticale" high-rise towers in Milan are planted with more than 700 trees and almost 5,000 bushes. How the maintenance of these plants proceeded, how Comin had to combine tree climbing and rope access techniques for this work, and what technical and logistical problems arose will be the focus of this keynote, which is part of the French-language program, on June 20.

Clothing that strengthens and makes smart

An excursion into the world of fashion undertakes Heike Rüthers in her keynote lecture on June 20 as part of the Swiss Corporate Fashion, a trade show within the trade show dedicated to the topic of workwear. The fashion designer and expert on the effect of clothing and dress codes will show that clothing not only affects how others perceive you, but also how wearing certain clothes influences your own thoughts, actions and even emotions. Rüthers promises the audience the tools they need to strengthen the appearance of their own employees and use them as brand ambassadors.

Goal: Zero accidents!

On June 21, the third and final day of the trade show, communications expert Christian Gold will be the keynote speaker. In his presentation, Gold will show that the goal of "zero accidents" can only be achieved through effective communication: In slackening mindfulness and stimulus overload, he sees the main reasons for accidents. "Increasing the frequency of messages and other measures in such a situation tends to make things worse," the expert explains. "It would be much better to know and use the possibilities of communication to achieve a positive effect.

Our subscribers will find a detailed trade show preview with a clear hall plan and the latest information on innovative products and services on around 14 pages in the current SAFETY-PLUS 2/2018which will be on the market from June 1.


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