Watch out back to school!

In Switzerland, there are around 2,000 road accidents involving children under the age of 16 every year. According to the bfu, common causes of accidents among children under 14 are lack of attention, easy distraction and inability to concentrate. First graders, for whom the first day of school after kindergarten usually involves getting used to a new route to school, are particularly at risk. The two traffic clubs provide tips for parents and motorists.

The School route is an important stage for children on their way to independence. They learn to orient themselves, assess dangers, observe traffic rules and thus acquire the traffic skills they need in their leisure time. On the way to school on foot, children also acquire many social skills.

The VCS-Tips for parents:

  • Do not choose the shortest way, but the safest way.
  • Make the trip to school with your child several times before the first day of school.
  • Discuss possible dangerous situations with your child so that he or she recognizes them.
  • If the traffic situation does not allow your child to walk to school alone, accompany him/her on foot. In this way, he or she will learn to walk independently over time.
  • Dress your child to be highly visible: bright clothes and reflective materials.
  • Send your child on their way early so they don't have to rush to school.
  • If possible, your child should go to school with colleagues.
  • Inculcate in your child never to go with strangers.
  • Discuss with your child where he or she can go for help nearby, such as the village store.
  • Kickboards or inline skates are more suitable for leisure time than for the way to school.

The ACS-Tips for motorists:

  • Be extra vigilant near schools and at school bus and public transportation stops.
  • Reduce your speed if you see children on the side of the road. Be ready to brake.
  • Stop completely before a pedestrian crossing. Children learn that they should not enter the road until the wheels of a vehicle come to a complete stop.
  • Do not give children hand signals, as this may cause them to run across the street abruptly without looking for other hazards.
  • Caution should also be exercised when children are riding bicycles. Keep enough lateral distance and be prepared for incorrect behavior.
  • Always be a good role model, especially when you are on foot. Because children imitate your behavior.
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