Warden elopes with inmate
In the night of February 8 to 9, 2016, an escape of an inmate together with a female guard occurred in the district prison Dietikon ZH.

Based on initial investigations, the two fugitives could have gone to Italy in a black passenger car BMW X1, ZH 528 411, as the Zurich Cantonal Police writes. The pair have been put on the international wanted list. The two are 27-year-old Hassan Kiko and 32-year-old Angela Magdici.
The prisoner was reportedly sentenced to several years in prison for a sex offense. According to the Kapo, the exact circumstances of the escape are the subject of ongoing investigations, which are being conducted by the Limmattal/Albis public prosecutor's office and the Zurich cantonal police.
Persons who can provide information about the whereabouts of Hassan Kiko or Angela Magdici are asked to contact the Zurich Cantonal Police, Tel. 044 247 22 11.
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