Bacteria centrifuge coffee maker
Fully automatic coffee machines are often full of bacteria - which are also found in the coffee itself. This is shown by a new study.
The coffee machine in the office kitchen can be a source of microorganisms - and the bacteria can also be found in the coffee. This is shown by master's student Jan Schages in his Thesis in the Food Science program at Rhein Waal University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
The bacteria settle primarily in the water-bearing elements of the coffee machines, such as the hoses and the water tank, as Schades told the Rhenish Post explained. There they form a biofilm - similar to that found in the drain. However, it has not yet been proven whether drinking the coffee is hazardous to health.
Clean regularly
The only remedy against bacterial colonies is regular cleaning of the coffee machine. Above all, the water tank should be cleaned regularly and filled with fresh water every day. The coffee grounds container should also be cleaned properly, advises Schages - and if possible, the brewing unit itself. The machine's descaling and cleaning programs should be used for this purpose.
According to study results, a high coffee temperature can also protect against a high microbial load: if the dispensing temperature is increased from typically 6′ to 62 °C to 68 degrees, a large proportion of the microorganisms are already killed.