Safety reinforced

The Basel-Stadt cantonal police responded to the incident in Berlin and took security measures. The security concept has also been adapted in Zurich and Lucerne.

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Already from today, Tuesday, the cantonal police will be even more present on the squares of the Christmas market in Basel. According to the announcement, in addition to the foot and vehicle patrols, possible access routes to the market areas will be made more difficult with structural measures such as concrete elements or with vehicles.

The measures ordered by the police management correspond to those that were already applied last summer in the context of the federal celebration on the Rhine. There are still no new findings about a change in the threat situation for Basel and Switzerland, writes the Kapo Basel-Stadt. With the measures taken, the cantonal police is taking into account the current situation, especially in the near abroad.

Increased security also in Zurich

The Zurich city police have also increased their security concept for the Christmas markets. However, the Berner Zeitung writes that the police do not communicate any details about this. At the main station in Zurich, the security concept consists of video surveillance, alarm systems and the city and railroad police. In addition, civilian investigators are deployed, as it is said.



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