Basel-Stadt appoints new Chief Digital Officer

Patrick Frauchiger will be the first "Chief Digital Officer" of the Canton of Basel-Stadt. As "CDO," Frauchiger will also head the Digital Administration office. 

Chief Digital Officer
Image: zVg

The government council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt has created the new position of Chief Digital Officer (CDO). The position will be filled by Patrick Frauchiger as of April 1, 2022. In his role, he will be responsible for the Digital Administration Office in order to expand the opportunities of digitization and synergies between the departments, according to a statement from the canton.

Frauchiger graduated from ETH Zurich with a degree in environmental sciences and then completed a number of further training courses in organizational development and digitalization processes. Professionally, he looks back on a management career with business responsibility at Migros and the Galenica Group.

Source: Canton Basel-Stadt

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