Workplace health promotion continues to grow

13 new companies can call themselves "Friendly Work Space" this year. This means that 61 Swiss companies with almost 200,000 employees have already been awarded the label.

Focus on healthy working conditions: More and more companies are investing in workplace health promotion.
Focus on healthy working conditions: More and more companies are investing in workplace health promotion.

More than half of the Swiss resident population is employed. The daily demands at work are increasing and not infrequently become a psychological burden. A basic prerequisite for the high productivity of the Swiss economy is the health of the workforce. But also every single company has a high interest in healthy and motivated employees. Occupational health management makes an important contribution to this. With the Friendly Work Space quality label, Health Promotion Switzerland recognizes organizations for their exemplary commitment to workplace health promotion.

Company health management established and successfully awarded
Today, Health Promotion Switzerland awarded the Friendly Work Space label to 13 companies of different sizes and from different sectors for the first time and to another ten. Cooperativa Migros Ticino was the first company in the canton of Ticino to receive the award. The companies have demonstrated in a multi-stage process that they are sustainably and systematically committed to health-promoting working conditions in accordance with the Friendly Work Space specifications.

Remarkable diversity of companies
This year, 13 organizations received the Friendly Work Space quality label for the first time. Ten additional companies successfully completed the demanding reassessment, seven of them for the second time. In addition, the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (EBG) now bears the title "Committed to Friendly Work Space". The organization is already well advanced in its commitment to workplace health management, but still needs to implement further measures for the label. It is worth noting the diversity of companies in terms of size and industry that are committed to systematically optimizing the working conditions of their employees. Companies such as Swiss International Air Lines Ltd, Visana, Hamilton, Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG, Hörmann Schweiz AG, Camion-Transport AG or zb Zentralbahn AG are among the newly awarded companies.

Friendly Work Space - A win for everyone
René Rippstein, Head of Workplace Health Management at Health Promotion Switzerland: "We see the promotion of workplace health management as a major and important task. Good working conditions benefit not only the employees themselves, but also company owners and managers. We are therefore very pleased that more than 196,000 employees from 61 companies in Switzerland benefit from health-promoting measures at work. We are particularly proud on the one hand of Cooperativa Migros Ticino as the first company from the canton of Ticino, and on the other hand of our pioneering companies, which have carried the award since 2009 and have been honored for the third time this year."

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