Occupational health management for every age

Demographic change is presenting the Swiss economy with growing challenges. While the number of older employees is constantly increasing, the number of younger employees is constantly decreasing. Health in the workplace is becoming increasingly important from this point of view.

Health in the workplace is gaining in importance under the aspect of demographic change
Health in the workplace is gaining in importance under the aspect of demographic change

It is important to focus on the different requirements and needs of employees from very different generations. At the same time, a corporate framework must be created that enables health management to function within the company.

Findings on the The state of generation management in Switzerland provides the study of the same name by Health Promotion Switzerland. This was presented and discussed for the first time at the national conference for workplace health promotion at the University of Fribourg. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martina Zölch, Head of the Institute for Human Resource Management and Organization at the University of Applied Sciences FHNW in Olten, the study investigated which measures Swiss companies are taking to cope with the changes in age structures. The study explored the challenges that demographic change poses to corporate health management, human resources and leadership. The study bridges the gap between demographic management and corporate health management. In this way, Swiss companies receive concrete indications for the implementation of workplace health promotion at all ages.

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