Company inspections: Suva draws a positive balance
Since the end of March, Suva has checked the implementation of Covid 19 protection measures in more than 19,000 companies throughout Switzerland. Temporary work stoppages had to be initiated in only 62 cases.

For the past year, Suva has been inspecting construction sites in particular, as well as various commercial and industrial companies, in the implementation of the Covid 19 measures. In 19,245 company inspections that took place from March 2020 to the end of April 2021, safety experts had to initiate temporary work stoppages in only 62 cases.
Fast reactions and communication at eye level
During their visits, Suva's safety experts were able to communicate with companies and employees at eye level. The canton of Zurich saw the most inspections, followed by the canton of Vaud. In each of these two cantons, around 2500 company inspections were carried out by the end of April 2021. The third most companies were inspected in the canton of Bern, with around 2000. However, the farms had generally reacted quickly.
All in all, experience has shown that the vast majority of companies take the protective measures seriously and implement them consistently in order to protect the health of their employees as best as possible, Suva writes in a statement.
Mask obligation still important
Nevertheless, recently, with regard to the obligation to wear masks when working outdoors, where the safety distance cannot be guaranteed, or when working indoors, the consistent implementation of the required mask obligation has slackened somewhat.
"The protection of employees must continue to be taken seriously, even if the number of cases is falling. Here, employers have a duty to continue to consistently enforce protective measures," André Meier, head of the occupational safety and health department at Suva, is quoted as saying.
Source: Suva