"Fire protection standard" EN 16034 adopted
The product standard EN 16034 "Windows, doors and gates - with fire and/or smoke protection properties" comes into force on December 1, 2015. From then on, manufacturers will be able to trade the corresponding products as harmonized, CE-marked fire/smoke protection closures throughout Europe. After December 1, 2018, only the CE mark will be permitted.
Now the time has come - with the publication in the European Official Journal on July 10, the product standard EN 16034 "Windows, doors and gates - with fire and/or smoke protection properties" has been harmonized and will come into force on December 1 - from then on CE marking of these products will be possible. The coexistence period has been set at three years. For architects, manufacturers and fabricators, this means that the European classes and the verifications according to the new European product standard can now be demanded in tenders. The basis for drawing up the declaration of performance and CE mark are the classification reports under the responsibility of a notified product certification body (NPZ).
The product certification body thus assumes an important role and must have extensive competencies and experience. This is because the scope of the products and the usability of the evidence are already determined during specimen planning or the compilation of all evidence for the EXAP and classification report.
The CE marking based on a classification report in accordance with EN 13501-2 then replaces the "General Building Inspectorate Approvals" (ABZ) for fire protection closures or the "General Building Inspectorate Test Certificate" (ABP) for smoke protection closures. The classification report describes the characteristics of the product and the permissible range of variants of the system, including the extended scope of application in the so-called EXAP report. This regulates the use of further test reports, the transferability of sizes and the interchangeability of fittings, materials and construction details. The interchangeability of fittings and accessories is particularly important. The information in the CE mark according to EN 16034 must be supplemented by further information if the product is used as an exterior door (EN 14351-1), interior door (prEN 14351-2), automatic door (EN 16361) or as a gate (EN 13241-1).
The approval procedure also changes fundamentally because the notified product certification body (NPZ body) now acts as the technical "supervisor" for testing, classification and surveillance and must be accredited and notified for EN 16034. Extensive product competence and experience are necessary for this, because the information and statements must be reliable in the event of damage or in the event of inquiries by the market surveillance authorities. After successful testing and assessment of the product and initial monitoring of the manufacturer's factory production control (FPC), the NPZ body can issue the "certificate for confirmation of constancy of performance", which is the basis for the declaration of performance and CE marking. The ift Rosenheim has already been successfully accredited for EN 16034 and can issue all necessary verifications for manufacturers as a notified body after the product standard comes into force.
Press release ift Rosenheim, Institute for Windows and Facades, Doors and Gates, Glass and Building Materials