Federal Council wants digital public deed
In Switzerland, the original of a public document is to be created in electronic form in the future. The e-documents are to continue to be stored securely in a new national register of documents. The consultation process is ongoing.
Under current law, originals of public documents must be created as paper documents. The Federal Council is now proposing that in future the original of a document be produced in electronic form. It will, of course, still be possible to produce such an e-deed on paper if required, according to the Federal Council's communication.
Consultation lasts until May 8
With the introduction of the electronic original, a national register for electronic public documents would be created at the same time. The register of documents is to be operated by the federal government; the documents stored there will be kept safe from unauthorized access, it is emphasized. In addition, the documents in the register would remain legible in the long term and any forgeries would be easy to prove.
The Federal Council has adopted the new Federal Act on the Creation of Electronic Public Documents and Electronic Authentications (EÖBG) has been sent out for consultation. It will last until May 8, 2019.
Guideline for the development of digital infrastructures
At its meeting on January 30, 2019, the Federal Council also adopted a Target image for the digital transformation in the federal administration. The target image serves as a guideline for the development of digital infrastructures and the digital transformation in the federal administration.