Corona compensation for self-employed extended

The Federal Council announced on July 1, 2020, that the Corona compensation for self-employed persons will be extended - retroactively. The payment of outstanding benefits from mid-May to the end of June will be made by Wednesday, July 29. Furthermore, he informed that now also managing partners of an AG or GmbH in the event sector can apply for Corona compensation, retroactively from June 1, 2020.

Do you have a loss of earnings due to the Federal Council's measures to combat the coronavirus? The Federal Council has introduced compensation for self-employed persons, employees and employers.


Self-employed persons can apply to their responsible SVA for the Application for compensation for loss of earnings for various reasons. New: The Federal Council has extended the entitlement to Corona compensation for hardship cases, as a result of business closures or as a result of event bans until September 16, 2020. If you have already submitted an application, you do not need to do anything, the entitlement will be automatically extended. We will retroactively resume payments that have been discontinued.

Loss of earnings due to quarantine

If you had to interrupt your gainful employment because you had to go into quarantine due to medical or official orders, you are entitled to compensation for loss of earnings.

Loss of earnings due to cancelled event

If you are an organizer, supplier, booth builder, technician or freelance artist and your planned event had to be canceled due to the event ban, you are entitled to compensation for loss of income.

More Info from the SVA Zurich

Employees: Loss of earnings due to quarantine

If you had to interrupt your gainful employment because you had to go into quarantine due to medical or official orders, you are entitled to compensation for loss of earnings.

Employees in an employer-like function (stock corporation, limited liability company, etc.) in the event sector

Managing partners of an AG, GmbH or cooperative as well as their collaborating spouse or registered partner with an income from employment subject to AHV contributions of between CHF 10,000.00 and CHF 90,000.00 in 2019 can now also apply for Corona compensation.

No compensation for quarantine after stay in risk area

Anyone who has traveled to a risk area since July 6, 2020, and who returns to Switzerland in Must go into quarantine, is not eligible for Corona acquisition replacement. The Federal Office of Public Health maintains a list of states and areas with an increased risk of infection. The list is regularly updated.

The list of these areas was adjusted on July 23, 2020

The cantonal authorities control compliance with the quarantine with spot checks. There is a threat of Fine up to 10 000.- CHF. New countries where, among others, since July 23, 2020, travelers returning home must observe the quarantine requirement:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Luxembourg
  • Maldives
  • Montenegro
  • United Arab Emirates

List of states and territories with increased risk of infection

Info & Sources:

SVA Zurich


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