Coronavirus: What's new

The sharp increase in the number of cases in recent days is worrying. It is evident in all age groups and in all cantons, the Federal Council said. The number of hospitalizations is also increasing. The aim of the new nationwide measures by the federal government and the cantons is to better protect the health of the population and prevent an overload of the healthcare system in the coming weeks and months.

The aim of the resolution passed by the Federal Council on October 18 measures taken is to slow down the increase in the number of cases to such an extent that the cantons can continue to ensure contact tracing consistently and comprehensively, as the federal government writes. Despite the restrictions, economic and social life should be able to continue. And these are the currently valid measures:

Uniform mask requirement throughout Switzerland

Anyone traveling on public transport and older than 12 years of age must wear a face mask since July 6, 2020. From Monday, October 19, this obligation will be extended to people who are on platforms or in stations, airports or other access points of public transport. As before, persons who cannot wear a mask, for example for medical reasons, are exempt from the obligation to wear a mask.

In addition, masks must now also be worn in indoor areas accessible to the public, e.g. in stores, shopping centers, banks, post offices, museums, libraries, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, indoor areas of zoological and botanical gardens and animal parks, restaurants, bars, discos, game rooms, hotels (with the exception of guest rooms), entrance and checkroom areas of swimming pools, sports facilities and fitness centers, in doctors' offices, hospitals, churches and religious institutions, counseling centers and neighborhood rooms. Likewise, masks must be worn in those parts of the public administration that are accessible to the public.

The obligation to wear a face mask applies in compulsory schools, upper secondary and tertiary level schools, in institutions providing supplementary family childcare and in the training areas of sports and fitness facilities only if it is provided for in the relevant protection concept.

Specifications for private events

Many people become infected with coronavirus at events with family and friends. These events should be avoided if possible. At private events with more than 15 people, consumption will in future only be allowed in a seated position. Those who are not seated must wear a mask. In addition, the general hygiene rules must be observed and contact details must be collected. Private events with more than 100 people must have a protection concept analogous to public events, and they may also only be held in facilities open to the public.

No assemblies of more than 15 people in public space

Spontaneous gatherings of more than 15 people are prohibited in public spaces, namely in public squares, on footpaths and in parks. This is intended in particular to prevent private events from being moved into the public space. Organized events in public spaces, such as political and civil society rallies, will continue to be permitted with the appropriate safeguards.

Consumption in catering establishments only seated

Consumption of food and beverages in restaurants and nightlife venues such as bars or clubs is now only permitted in a seated position, whether indoors or outdoors.

Home Office Recommendations

The Federal Council has also added a paragraph on home office to the "Covid 19 Ordinance Special Situation". Employers are obliged to observe the home office recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health. Working at home can avoid large gatherings of people, especially at rush hour, and reduce close contacts at the workplace. It also reduces the risk of entire work teams having to be quarantined in the event of a Covid 19 case.

The cantons have been in charge of managing the Covid 19 epidemic in Switzerland since June 19, 2020. The Confederation expects the cantons to continue to test broadly, to ensure seamless contact tracing and to contribute to combating the epidemic with targeted measures.

Press release federal government


Traffic light system in Bern

For the implementation of large events, the Health, Social and Integration Directorate of the Canton of Bern has developed a traffic light system to evaluate all large events carried out in the Canton of Bern with the same criteria. The traffic light system takes into account the development of case numbers in the canton, the utilization of intensive care places with covid patients in the hospitals and the utilization of contact tracing.

The number of cases in the canton of Bern is currently doubling in less than a week, and the positivity rates of the tests carried out have risen sharply, as has the number of patients hospitalized. In view of the latest development of the Covid situation and as a direct consequence of the reduction of crowds, the traffic light will be set to red as of Monday, 19.10.2020. This means that for the time being no more large events with more than 1000 people present can be held in the canton of Bern.

Press release Canton Bern




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