The first self-driving car

It has covered its first kilometers in the city of Zurich: the first autonomously driving car in Switzerland. It is still a prototype, but this type of mobility could be a reality in just a few years. According to experts, the self-driving vehicle brings more safety for all road users.

What is the situation regarding safety?

The self-driving car is equipped with a lot of technology.

And truly, on the Test track in the city of Zurich, the specialist behind the wheel has his hands ready, but not on the steering wheel. The VW Passat drives leisurely behind the other vehicles, stops at red lights and also makes a stop in front of the pedestrian crossing. The computer drives, steers and brakes the car autonomously. It detects other vehicles and pedestrians via laser scanners, radar and video cameras. It is a vehicle equipped with high-tech. Special software analyzes the data, recognizes situations and gives the driving commands. At the media event, the PW drives back and forth along the test track several times - the thing seems to work. However, it will probably be years before the first series-produced vehicles are launched on the market. Self-driving cars have already been on test tracks abroad for some time. The technology required for this is said to be well advanced.

In order to gain initial experience with such a vehicle in this country as well, the Swisscom together with Autonomos Labs the self-driving car. The Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) had to grant the necessary exemption.

Digitization changes mobility

With the self-driving car, Swisscom is gaining experience for the mobility of the future. What does this mean for communication networks? How can vehicles, objects and people be optimally networked? Effective traffic management systems lead to less congestion, which relieves the environment and reduces economic costs. Good reasons for Swisscom to get involved in the mobility of the future. Christian Petit, Head of Swisscom Enterprise Customers, says: "Swisscom will not become an automobile manufacturer. But the innovations around the automobile in the future lie in networking with the environment. That's why the self-driving car is a prime example of digitalization and of great interest to us." As a leading ICT provider, Swisscom is predestined to network vehicles, objects and people. In addition, Swisscom wants to initiate a discussion. Self-driving cars will raise many questions: Are people still allowed to drive a car if it would be safer without the human factor? How will laws be adapted? Who is liable in the event of accidents?

Step by step to the self-driving car

Swisscom already analyzes anonymized position data from cell phones for the Federal Roads Office, for example, and delivers forecasts on traffic trends in Big Data projects. Thanks to the Internet of Things, a self-driving vehicle will in future know before it arrives which parking spaces are free and target them accordingly, according to the report. Swisscom is also currently testing an alternative network for this Internet of Things in Zurich and Geneva, via which everyday objects communicate with minimal energy consumption.

It will still be some time before self-driving cars can be seen driving on Swiss roads across the country. Step by step, the technology will take over the wheel. With comprehensive networking, safety, comfort and traffic management would be even better, experts say.

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