The joyful celebration requires a safety concept

The event market is highly competitive. Anyone who saves on security is probably saving in the wrong place. Whether indoor or outdoor, profit-oriented or not, a good security concept is the be-all and end-all of any event.

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Hopefully, beautiful summer months are just around the corner, because the local calendar of events is, as always, well filled at this time: Festivals, sporting events, city, neighborhood and club celebrations. Such events require that the organizers have a well thought-out security concept.

Hold accountable

 Safety at events has increasingly become the focus of public attention in recent years: Not least as a result of events such as the disaster at the 2010 Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, which left more than 20 people dead and over 100 injured. Only a few days ago, seven years later, the judiciary decided to clarify the question of guilt more precisely in a criminal trial.

In Switzerland, a few years ago at the Federal Gymnastics Festival in Biel, a storm caused almost 40 people to be injured, some seriously. In the end, the criminal proceedings against the director of the gymnastics festival were dropped, because it was shown that he had not violated any duty of care, according to the words of the public prosecutor's office.

Specific safety concept

You can't do it without a safety concept. And: For every event, a specific concept must be created that addresses the special characteristics, framework conditions and hazards of the event. Even though terrorist threats have increasingly come to the fore recently, the focus for every event organizer must be on "everyday" risks.

More on the subject of event security can be found in the current SafetyForum (issue 2/17).



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