Carefully plan the spring cleaning

Everyone in Switzerland is expected to be at home as often as possible at the moment. Spring cleaning is thus given a higher priority by many than in normal times. But even in ordinary years, around 39,000 people are injured while cleaning or cooking, some of them during spring cleaning. The BFU therefore recommends that sufficient time be planned for the big cleaning campaign and that only work be done for which the right equipment is available in the house.

Accidents with chemical cleaning agents can be prevented with the proper protective equipment, such as gloves. © Depositphotos/Wavebreakmedia

The Spring is traditionally the time for big cleaning campaigns at home: Spring cleaning might even get a higher priority this year because people are at home more and presumably spend more time cleaning. But even in ordinary years, 39,000 people in Switzerland injure themselves so badly while cleaning or cooking that a doctor's visit or Hospitalization is necessary. Therefore, caution and, above all, calm are required. Because: Haste often leads to accidents, mainly to falls. Disputes can occur on ladders, stairs or chairs. During spring cleaning
there is also a risk of chemical burns from cleaning agents and chemicals.

Never improvise
The AAIB recommends planning spring cleaning well to avoid having to improvise. Work should only be done if the right equipment is available in the house - such as safe ladders, long and angled window wipers, suitable cleaning agents and appropriate protective equipment. Taking enough breaks is just as important as planning spring cleaning realistically and spreading it out over several days. Many fall accidents during cleaning could be prevented by using a stable stepladder with a safety bar. Chairs, boxes or stacks of books are not a suitable alternative to the ladder.
Additional safety on the ladder is provided by non-slip, closed-toe shoes.
Accidents with chemical cleaning agents can be prevented with the appropriate protective equipment, such as gloves. Anyone using strong acids or alkalis should also wear protective goggles.

Especially important for spring cleaning
- Use stable ladder
- Wear non-slip, closed shoes
- For larger cleaning projects: Spread work over several days and take breaks
- No acrobatics when cleaning windows
- Avoid contact between water and power supply - danger to life.

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