Depression: Causes and helps

Depression is affecting more and more people - and most of them take antidepressants or go to psychotherapy. From the perspective of conventional medicine, those who receive both are considered to be in optimal care. Nevertheless, many sufferers do not fare well. Because often the causes are not looked for, whose removal would not be so difficult in some cases at all. Natural aids from the field of nutrition, exercise, naturopathy and nutritional supplements, which everyone can implement themselves, could offer great support here and should accompany any conventional therapy.

Naturopathic measures help with depression.
© Depositphotos/evgenyataman

For depression, there are many holistic and naturopathic options that have been proven to help and heal. However, those who suffer from depression are often not in a position to just do a sports program, look at which Food supplements would be necessary to make the diet healthier, to reduce the side effects of Medication review that one has been taking for years, let alone put together a holistic concept.

We would therefore like to point out at this point that our article and the self-help options listed in it are not only intended for depressed people, but also for relatives, doctors and therapists, who can then assist and support those affected accordingly. Because they definitely need more than simply tablets and often more than psychotherapy.

However, it is almost never the case that a very specific approach or a very specific remedy would help every sufferer equally. Instead, each individual person seems to need a very individual concept of different measures, especially in the case of depression. Our article is intended to point out these possible measures. Which of them is ultimately useful and helpful in the individual case must be carefully examined and decided individually for each person.

The definition of depression

The official definition of depression always includes the term mental disorder, which is manifested by the symptoms described in the next paragraph. The psyche, in turn, is described as a "place of human feeling and thinking. This sounds as if depression is a problem that has developed in our minds - as a result of bad experiences, for example. But that is only half the truth. Often, the definition of depression would also have to include references to the fact that in many cases the illness is purely physical, as you will learn in the course of this article.

The symptoms of depression

Depression cannot be compared to a low mood or a bad temper. It is a state from which one believes one can never rise again. It holds you captive like a dark dungeon. There is no hope, no light, no smile. You feel yourself falling, but you never reach the bottom. No matter what the circumstances are - whether sunshine or rainy weather, whether the children are laughing or crying - nothing touches, nothing reaches inside anymore.

Even things that were always a lot of fun can no longer inspire. Activities that are not worth mentioning in healthy people, such as washing your hair or getting dressed, turn out to be energy-sapping actions that you simply can't do on some days. And when you do get up the nerve to do them, you tire quickly, even though in the eyes of others you haven't really made any effort at all.

In the guideline for unipolar depression published by the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), you can read about many other symptoms that will help you recognize depression, for example:

  • It's hard to concentrate.
  • You feel worthless.
  • You sleep poorly and wake up much earlier than normal.
  • You have no appetite and lose weight.
  • People no longer make plans for the future.
  • You think about what it would be like to no longer be there and look - at least mentally - for ways to make it happen.

You can find more info under the following Link




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