The revised police treaty between Switzerland and Germany enters into force
Cross-border crime is a reality today and it is constantly on the rise. This is why bilateral police cooperation with Switzerland's neighboring countries is essential. Germany and Switzerland have jointly revised the police treaty of 2002 and adapted it to the challenges of today.
The revised police treaty came into force on May 1, 2024. For example, the treaty simplifies cross-border surveillance and undercover investigations to combat international crime, strengthens the protection of witnesses and victims and lays the foundation for even closer cooperation in crisis situations.
People smugglers, ATM burglars, terrorists, violent extremists and arms dealers: cantonal and national borders are no obstacle for criminal networks. Accordingly, there are numerous criminal links to Switzerland's neighboring countries - including Germany. This is why a close exchange of information and efficient police cooperation are essential in the fight against cross-border crime. Bilateral police cooperation between Germany and Switzerland is based on a police treaty dating back to 2002. During the migration crisis in 2016, Germany and Switzerland decided to revise the treaty in order to tackle the new challenges more efficiently.
The revised police treaty regulates cooperation in the protection of witnesses and victims, the deployment of liaison officers, mutual support in the event of major incidents and crises, as well as cross-border surveillance and undercover investigations. In particular, the latter should also help to combat organized cross-border crime such as drug trafficking or smuggling even more effectively.
Cooperation on road traffic offenses will also be expanded. Already in the existing police treaty regulates the exchange of vehicle and owner data, as well as the transmission of fines. Accordingly, people from Germany who are fined in Switzerland already receive their fines at their place of residence. The revised police agreement also regulates any enforcement of fines. The revised police treaty came into force on May 1, 2024.
QSource: Federal Department of Justice and Police