Significantly fewer deaths

In the first half of 2016, 85 people were killed in road traffic accidents, 32 fewer than in the corresponding period of the previous year. 1671 people were seriously injured, 75 fewer than in the first half of 2015. These figures are taken from the accident register of the Federal Roads Office.

The number of serious injuries also fell in all two-wheeler categories. © depositphotos

The number of employees working on the Swiss Roads fatal accident decreased by 27 percent in the first half of 2016 compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. The decrease was particularly marked for motorcyclists (-62 %) and cyclists (-29 %). The number of serious injuries also fell in all two-wheeler categories. The cloudy weather at the beginning of the year most likely contributed to this decrease, as users of two-wheeled vehicles sometimes refrain from riding or choose another means of transportation in inclement weather.

Also 19% fewer pedestrian fatalities 

Compared to the first half of 2015, there were also significantly fewer pedestrian fatalities (-19 %). In contrast, the number of seriously injured pedestrians increased by 29, with most of these accidents occurring at pedestrian crossings.

The number of traffic fatalities (-42 %) and serious injuries (-29 %) on highways and freeways also showed a clear decline, reaching the lowest level in 25 years.

The half-yearly statistics of road traffic accidents are based on the Astra road traffic accident register. The register records accidents on public roads or squares involving at least one motorized or non-motorized vehicle or a pedestrian with a vehicle-like device.
The results of the half-year statistics are provisional. The definitive figures will be published in spring 2017.

Observe important rules

By the way, these rules help to avoid accidents:

  • I remind my family, friends and colleagues to be extra careful on the road.
  • I always drive with the lights on.
  • I drive as carefully as I can and obey the traffic rules
  • I pay special attention to pedestrians, cyclists, children, elderly people and animals.
  • I obey the speed limit and drive only fast enough to be safe.
  • I pay special attention near schools or places with lots of children.
  • I do not drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs or medication when I drive.
  • I drive as far ahead as possible and keep the necessary distance to the vehicle in front.
  • I always wear my seat belt and make sure my passengers do the same.
  • When I drive, I don't use my cell phone.
  • I make sure I am not distracted by anything from inside or outside my vehicle or even in my head.
  • I set a good example for my fellow drivers by driving calmly and safely.

Source: Federal Office for Roads / Cantonal Police St. Gallen

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