The three pillars of holistic workplace health promotion

Due to many changes in our world, social structures such as our families are breaking down. The consequence: employees carry their insecurity into the company with them and are expected to be productive despite their lack of orientation. If supervisors look beyond the end of their nose, they realize that their team is only performing at around 60 percent.

The three pillars of holistic workplace health promotion

What to do?

The rapid pace of change and the associated changes call for holistic models of health promotion. These are models that take into account all levels of the personality. This includes the visible as well as the invisible areas, i.e. material as well as mental levels.

This is not about tokenism. Rather, it is a matter of implementing tangible, sustainable concepts in the area of workplace health promotion. For the development of such concepts, young people should be consulted with their ideas. They bring a "breath of fresh air" and point to new solutions for the future. They have an open, far-sighted view. Attention should be paid to this. Innovative company models, such as pioneer Google, should be looked at. The measures of such companies can be adapted to the conditions of one's own organization. The focus is on ideas and new approaches.

What does holistic workplace health promotion encompass?

Holistic workplace health promotion builds on three pillars:

  1. Health: This refers to seminars, coaching and measures within the company that promote human health.
  2. Man: This pillar includes seminars, coaching and internal company measures that strengthen people as individuals.
  3. Environment: Internal company measures are used to optimize the indoor climate and create spaces that increase people's productivity, creativity and enjoyment of life. The environment includes the company as a building and the entire company organization. It is the circle in which people find themselves during their work. It is in this area that corporate development begins, in addition to space-harmonizing and space-climate-enhancing measures.

Grander water: "Vitalized" water to which special properties such as detoxifying effect and reduced surface tension are attributed. However, these have not yet been conclusively proven scientifically. The effect of Grander water is therefore controversial. (Editor's note)

First pillar: Health

Offerings such as the break apple or a good water facility with spring water quality (for example. Grander water) are not sufficient. They should be expanded to include the following seminars, for example:

  • Burnout prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Coaching for employees who have burnout
  • Coaching for employees suffering from depression

The company is building up a coaching pool with external coaches. Employees can select the coach who appeals to them. The coaches' profiles are available on the intranet or on the bulletin board. Every employee should be entitled to at least two hours of coaching per year, the costs of which are covered by the company. If the employee wishes to make further appointments with the coach, this will be clarified with the responsible HR manager.

Kinesiology (Greek "kinesis" = movement) is an alternative medical form of diagnosis and therapy. The mode of action is not scientifically proven. (Editor's note)

When choosing the appropriate offers, services should be selected that strengthen the person's health. The new disease patterns are based primarily on a lack of orientation. People must learn again to recognize their inner self, so that they know what is good for them and how they can strengthen themselves. Therefore, alternative health promotion measures are especially important, such as:

Second pillar: Man

Regular internal and external impulse and day seminars on the following topics should be offered:

  • Work-life balance
  • Stress Management
  • Time management
  • Self-Management
  • Leadership training
  • Coaching trainings for executives

If necessary, companies work together with external specialists. Employees should be given the opportunity to attend external training courses that appeal to them. Of course, this is done in consultation with the HR manager.

Feng Shui is a Chinese harmony theory based on the Yin and Yang philosophy, which equally involves people and the environment in the design of rooms. The aim is to avoid "blocked" energies in buildings or rooms through design measures.

Third pillar: Environment

What is the point of workplace health promotion and spending money on coaching if employees have to sit in a gray working environment afterwards? In addition to the measures that encompass the employee and his or her health, precautions should therefore be taken to make the company healthy:

  • Optimization of the indoor climate
  • Optimization of the room atmosphere

A good indoor climate gives people strength and inspiration.

Places where man becomes tired and demotivated, demand energetic Feng Shui. It is an optimal tool how to create spaces from the existing infrastructure that can motivate and inspire employees to work. Feng Shui conveys a pleasant room climate. For the implementation of the measures external specialists are used, who are specialized in energetic Feng Shui.

Not to be forgotten are new work models such as part-time work, on-the-fly workplaces and home office. Young companies are setting a good example.

If companies employ a consultant, he should be innovative, holistic and unconventional and dare to take a look at the invisible areas in the company. Then there is a chance that the measures will not only focus on the tip of the iceberg, but will solve the essential blockades that are holding the company back.


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