Digital Switzerland

Digitization continues to make progress. Nevertheless, the development is sometimes still difficult to assess. Roger E. Gisi is at the forefront of efforts to increase transparency and information. On the Cloud Finder Switzerland platform, which he founded, he constantly highlights new services and news relating to cloud computing, which is increasingly being seen as a key factor for IT.

With sensors in cars, TVs, watches, tablets, smartphones and even the refrigerator: we could be connected to the Internet constantly and around the clock.

"The cloud just seems to be there and is no longer even perceived as such." Roger E. Gisi, founder of Cloud Finder Switzerland

First, the question of the key factor: Is cloud computing really a key factor of the future information technology landscapes?

Roger E. Gisi: Yes and also no. Cloud computing exerts a strong influence on other factors, but is itself dependent on certain factors. These include particularly powerful networks and transmission paths, available sending and receiving devices, common standards and interoperability. Without a compact ecosystem, cloud stands alone - but the benefits of cloud are so great that the whole system will develop rapidly. So a resounding yes. Cloud computing has gone from hype to everyday reality - for home users and businesses alike. The cloud just seems to be there and is no longer perceived as such, but it concerns us all.

This means that we all have to be interested in cloud computing and can hardly avoid cloud services. How can companies in particular select their cloud providers in order to make the right decision?

No more and no less than when selecting "classic" IT providers! But you first have to start in a well-founded and serious manner with your own business processes, their concrete requirements and even the exact cloud service management and cloud governance. From a security perspective, the following questions should be clarified in advance when selecting a provider:

  • Where is the data located?
  • How are users authorized?
  • Is the authorization reconciled in real time with the current user rights?
  • Is there a strict authentication?
  • Is the data automatically encrypted at the cloud provider?
  • Does the cloud provider follow common standards?
  • And: Does it have important certifications such as ISO 27001 and ISO 27002?

That's all well and good. But how can the company really assess the cloud provider's services?

If we look at the quality of the service, for example, these are certainly the formulation of simple, well-structured SLAs that contain all the important details and are easy for the customer to understand. Certifications of the business processes, data centers and employees can also signal to the customer that high-quality and reliable work is being done in the company.

Let's stay a bit longer on the topic of security and data protection. A secure path to the cloud involves handling data carefully. How do you assess the current status?

For companies, the need for security goes one step further: for example, company secrets must be protected against industrial espionage. Accordingly, failure to comply with information and data security can have serious consequences. In the meantime, awareness of data protection and information security has advanced - fortunately. It is true that data protection and security have always been an issue. But it only slipped back onto the agenda again in connection with cloud computing. IT that is well managed and moved to the cloud offers much more data, information and operational security than traditional IT infrastructures in many companies, and not just SMEs. In addition, data classification is lacking in many organizations. People are not aware of the value which data represents for the company. Accounting data is outsourced, customer data is not - or vice versa. Unfortunately, such decisions are usually made arbitrarily. Fortunately, IT managers who know exactly what they need to pay attention to when it comes to data security and data protection show that things can be done differently. They are in a position to make the right demands and ask the right questions of their future cloud provider. They are the ones who take responsibility for project implementation during operation and pay due attention to these issues.

But do we now have more benefits or more risks?

Experienced Swiss cloud governance companies, such as the glenfis aG, find that many projects implemented are now well-balanced cloud solutions in terms of risk and added value, especially in those areas and business processes that have a high degree of standardization even across all industries and sectors. This reduces the risks and massively increases the benefits of business applications from the cloud. In addition to the traditional IT service "commodities", such as e-mail, document and content management, it is primarily business processes in sales and marketing, HR and already in the ERP area. SMEs are offered interesting alternatives and the risks and costs of such a migration to cloud offerings are manageable. On the provider side, there is now good experience and standards for migration paths. So: clearly many more advantages than risks!

How does the journey continue with cloud and new technologies?

Let's compare cloud with a car: your own car is your own IT environment - the rental car is classic IT outsourcing. But cloud computing is like a cab service. You use it when you need it, pay for a certain service and don't have to pay anything more when you get out, i.e. stop using it. Cars for the cloud - that's a very big story. Its future with new technologies is already more relevant than ever. With sensors in cars, in smart TVs, in smart watches, tablets, smartphones, right down to the refrigerator: we could be connected to the Internet constantly and around the clock - if we even want to allow that. Already all new products have an embedded sensor that collects data. And with the Apple Watch, this trend reaches a new level that goes far beyond the BYOD use of recent years. Although it might get a bit complicated, with cloud computing we definitely have it easier: a higher level of application and usage comfort, a more flexible and agile working environment, more freedom to innovate, an all-round service for all application devices and much more. Provided we humans set out to anticipate these issues quickly, effectively and beneficially.

digital switzerland

Cloud Finder Switzerland


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