Digital security is the order of the day in Essen

More than two-thirds of the exhibitors at this year's world's leading trade fair for civil security and fire protection technology will be showing digital security technology, as the organizers point out.

Connected world with Industry 4.0

Over 1000 exhibitors will be present according to Organizer for this year's Security Essen (September 27 to 30) is expected. This time, the focus is on the topic of digital security, because with Industry 4.0 and increasing networking, the requirements for security here would increase significantly. More than two thirds of the exhibitors would also have solutions for digital security technology in their luggage. According to Messe Essen, 670 national and international companies will present the state of the art in this field.

A congress of its own

For the first time, the organizers will organize a separate congress on the topic of "networked security". Experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security and the Berlin Institute of Computer Science would design scenarios for possible digital attacks, but also conduct risk assessments. Practical application examples on Industry 4.0 and networked security will round out the event's program, the trade show writes.

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