Jihadist-motivated travel movements - figures December 2014
The Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) is publishing for the third time the number of jihadist-motivated travelers from Switzerland who have been or are still in conflict zones. To date, 62 cases have been recorded, compared with 56 at the end of November 2014.

Of the 62 jihadi travelers recorded from 2001 to the present, 37 went to Syria and Iraq and 25 to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia. Since these are cumulative figures, it must be emphasized that some of these individuals are still on the ground. Eight have died (five of them confirmed), others are traveling around the conflict areas or have returned to Switzerland.
Since the 56 cases recorded in November 2014, the FIS has registered eight new cases. Two other travel movements classified as unconfirmed have been removed from the list as they can be considered as not motivated by jihadism. While the increase in these figures compared to November points to an increase in the phenomenon, it also indicates that the more intensive cooperation between the cantonal police forces and the relevant federal authorities is making it possible to improve the detection of cases of potential jihadist travelers.
The number of returnees increased from 16 in November 2014 to 19 in December 2014; of these, three cases were confirmed. The classification of the 16 unconfirmed cases was based on the following criteria: Either the jihadist motivation of these individuals could not be proven and/or their exact whereabouts could not be determined with certainty. The FIS continues to investigate these unconfirmed cases.
The FIS does not disclose any further information on the identity, age, gender, nationality and residence of these persons. The FIS works closely and continuously with the authorities of the Confederation (Office of the Attorney General, Federal Offices of Justice, Migration and Police, Border Guard Corps, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, etc.) and of the cantons (justice and police departments, cantonal police forces, etc.).
It is of high importance for the FIS to identify these persons and their motives with all available means. The new ND law, if approved, would provide the FIS with additional opportunities to do so. The motivations for young people to enter conflict zones are often very personal. Each case is different and prevention plays an important role here. However, it cannot be denied that calls for violence and jihad via Internet sites by persons apparently resident in Switzerland are assuming worrying proportions.
In May 2013, the FIS announced that there had been about 20 jihadist travelers from Switzerland to conflict zones since 2001. In May 2014, this number increased to 40 and in November 2014 to 56.