A pandemic plan in the SME makes sense

From a business continuity management perspective, a pandemic is fundamentally not a medical problem. But such an event can significantly disrupt the flow of business processes. What is to be done?

Pandemic planning
© depositphotos, Elnur

Even though the coronavirus has reached Switzerland, there is still no talk of a severe pandemic situation. In such situations, up to 25% of the population fall ill. In total, up to 40% of a company's workforce can be absent due to illness and care duties during a pandemic.

The current situation is a good opportunity to take a closer look at the topic of "pandemic planning in companies". The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) published a document tailored to SMEs some time ago. "Pandemic Plan: Handbook for operational preparedness" published. The handbook contains recommendations for SMEs on the design of a company-specific continuity management system.

Two central points

The manual describes the most important organizational, preventive and hygienic measures in the SME(!) to reduce the spread among employees and to maintain operations despite the expected high number of ill persons. Operational preparedness has two very specific main objectives:

First: the risk of infection at the workplace - i.e. transmission from person to person (e.g. coughing, sneezing / see Hygiene and behavior rules) or indirectly via contaminated surfaces - to minimize

Second: maintain the operational infrastructure as far as possible and ensure key tasks during three months with 60% of staff. According to the FOPH, these measures are fundamentally part of business continuity management.  (BAG/rs)

In addition to the manual, you can download www.bag.admin.ch/pandemieplan-kmu free of charge download appropriate document and planning tables or checklists.


Current events on coronavirus

The information hub Alertswiss, operated by the federal government, offers on its website up-to-date information on the current Coronavirus Situation in the individual cantons.

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