ERFA Day of SwissErgo

Under the title "Flexibility: in what dose?", the SwissErgo association and "Services Industriels de Genève" (SIG) are organizing an ERFA day to examine the flexibility of work in its various facets from the perspective of "health and performance".

Those responsible for small businesses should also do something for the physical and mental health of their employees in order to increase well-being and performance. © obs/Association Artisana

The world of work has changed fundamentally in recent years in terms of flexibility: Structuring and de-personalization of workplaces, different forms of working time, globalized teams, shared workplaces, teleworking, individualization, etc. The Flexibility of work meets both the economic imperatives that burden the company: the need to make jobs and means of production profitable, and the search for the work-life balance that employees are increasingly seeking.

New ways of organization, evaluation and management

These changes require new ways of organizing, evaluating and managing activity, which are challenging for both workers and managers. Depending on how it is implemented, flexibilization can have a positive or negative impact on workers. While these new forms of organization allow for a certain autonomy and thus freedom to manage personal life and work-life balance, they are not without risks of abuse. Flexibility can also lead to insecurity (loss of reference points, reduction of work collectives), overinvestment and underinvestment, and thus the Wellbeing, positively and negatively influence the health and even the performance of employees.

To the program

To the registration

About the association: SwissErgo

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