First death in Switzerland due to coronavirus
The canton of Vaud reported a death from the new coronavirus on March 5, 2020. This is the first case of death in Switzerland. The Federal Office of Public Health is in close contact with the authorities of the canton of Vaud.
The deceased is a person associated with the Coronavirus infected 74-year-old woman. She had been hospitalized since March 3 and died during the night of March 5. Vaud authorities will provide information at 1:30 p.m. during a point de press. Here it goes to the presentation.
More info & link tips from the editors
FOPH hotline for medical information: +41 58 463 00 00, 24 hours a day
Information for travelers:
Please be sure to adhere to the central hygiene measures
Daily NDR Info Podcast with Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, Institute Director of the Virological Institute of the Charité in Berlin:
"Coronavirus Update #01"
Doctors and nurses test regularly
Bern has concretized criteria for events
Federal authorities last Wednesday evening, March 4, specified the criteria for holding events with the coronavirus in mind. The Cantonal management body (KFO) in Bern has therefore also revised its recommendations to event organizers in consultation with the Director of Health, Social Affairs and Integration. The basic responsibility remains with the organizers. Events with more than 1000 participants remain prohibited according to the Federal Council. For events with 150 to 1000 participants, the Federal Council will decide on the Hotline +0800 634 634 a risk analysis is carried out. The hotline may experience waiting times as a result of numerous calls. If the hotline cannot be reached, please try again later.
SECO: Pandemic plan - Manual for operational preparation
Two more confirmed Corona virus cases in the canton of Zug
Radio 24 News Ticker: "The Corona virus occupies the world and Switzerland".