There is a threat of a competitive disadvantage

The report "Cloud, SaaS and mobile IT solutions in SMEs 2015" shows that without mobile IT solutions, competitive disadvantages are imminent.

Will it soon no longer be possible without mobile IT solutions?
Will it soon no longer be possible without mobile IT solutions?

Mobile IT solutions will become increasingly important for medium-sized companies in Germany and will significantly shape the work in the companies in the next few years. This is the result of the latest survey by the Frankfurt IT and web experts from DiOmega highlights. Two-thirds of the professionals surveyed (69%) agree that "mobile" will gain strongly in importance, according to the media release. The survey also concludes that despite the wiretapping scandals, demand for cloud or hybrid solutions will continue to grow this year (57% agree). Because SMEs that do not rely on the "third platform" (cloud, big data, mobile) in the medium term will miss out on a decisive competitive advantage, 58% of the experts assume.

Classic business models have had their day

54% of the IT experts surveyed are convinced that SaaS (Software as a Service) and cloud services will replace traditional business models by 2020. Even if, according to a TecChannel survey, only around one third of SMEs are currently using services from the cloud, the positive trend is continuing. A recent study by the consulting firm IDC, for example, shows that the topic of mobility is at the top of the list for 60% of IT decision-makers in SMEs. "Classic licensing models for software are becoming increasingly unattractive for more and more companies. Inflexible, costly and often not very transparent are particularly disadvantageous features," emphasizes DiOmega CEO Dominique Bös.

Wiretapping scandals: short-term obstacle

Bös sees the PRISM, Echelon and other eavesdropping scandals as a serious obstacle to more growth in SaaS and cloud services in the short term. This means that a current study of the National Initiative for Information and Internet Security e.V. (NIFIS) concluded that 84% of companies in Germany are very uncertain about whether their data is still safe in the "digital cloud". According to the report, loss of control over one's own data (73%), internal and external hacker attacks (71%) and one's own ignorance of the existing risks (89%) are currently the main dangers for German businesses in cloud computing, the provider writes. "When SMEs are more certain about what happens to their data in the IT cloud, their willingness to use mobile solutions increases again," explains CEO Bös.

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