Recreational accidents cost over 2200 lives a year

Every year, around 1 million people across Switzerland have accidents during their leisure time, 2200 of which are fatal.

Dangers also lurk at home - for example in the form of toys lying around.
Dangers also lurk at home - for example in the form of toys lying around.

Around one million people are involved in road traffic, sports and leisure accidents every year. Of these, around 2200 people lose their lives. This is shown by the new figures from the BFU for the year 2012

While the number of people injured in sport is high at 400,000, relatively few people die in sporting accidents: 100 people suffered fatal injuries, most of them in the mountains while skiing and hiking as well as swimming and bathing.

A total of 285 people lost their lives in traffic accidents, while just over 80,000 people were injured.

The home and leisure category includes accidents involving entrapment, poisoning and animals, as well as accidents involving objects and falls. The latter are particularly significant: almost a quarter of all non-occupational accidents and over half of all deaths, namely 1,386 people, are attributable to falls. Older people are particularly affected here.

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