Full-body airbag protects against fall injuries
A fall from a high scaffold is almost always fatal. Protective clothing that imitates a hedgehog should change this in future.
Falls are one of the most common work and leisure accidents with fatal consequences. A soft cushion to land on would prevent the worst consequences - but covering construction sites with it can't be the solution. But what if the worker or motorcyclist always has their crash cushion with them?
This is exactly what German trauma surgeon Wolfgang Müller-Adam has achieved with his ISP protective clothing. The principle is based on the hedgehog, which curls up in the event of danger: smart sensors register the fall and activate a large number of airbags all over the body within a few milliseconds, which wrap around the body like a protective shield and fix it in a protected hedgehog position.
According to Müller-Adam, the carrier should even be able to survive a collision with several obstacles thanks to the system.
Two videos show how the system should work in concrete terms.