Fake FFP2 masks in circulation
Due to the high demand for protective masks, there is also an increasing number of illegal certificates in circulation in connection with protective masks. While counterfeits of KN-95 masks were initially widespread, FFP2 masks are now particularly affected.
The demand for protective masks remains high. Unfortunately, there is also an increasing number of counterfeit or unusable protective masks in circulation. As Swiss Safety warns its members in a press release, there is a danger that counterfeit certificates will be used. While at the beginning of the pandemic it was mainly the KN-95 masks that were in demand, in the meantime it is mainly the FFP2 masks that are in demand and which are already the order of the day in Bavaria, for example.
In the meantime, such a fake certificate has also appeared on the Swiss market: False, for example, is the listing of a certain "Certificate of Conformance" that appears in the fake seal of approval.

The correct designation would be "EU Type Examination Certificate".
Swiss Safey advises to check the certificates carefully when purchasing FFP masks and to make sure that an "EU Type Examination Certificate" with the corresponding type examination is given.