Live healthier - with CodeCheck App

More and more people want to consume more consciously or are already doing so: the CodeCheck app helps by providing information about gluten, sugar, animal ingredients or lactose in products or by scanning microplastics, aluminum and palm oil via barcode.

However, with the new 5.0 version, it is now even easier and more personal to actively inform and protect yourself from unhealthy ingredients, for example. © Depositphotos/Syda Productions

On average, supermarkets list 12,000 items on their shelves. Not only the abundance of products, but also the multitude of different ingredients, labels and imprints causes confusion on the part of many consumers: It is difficult to recognize that the fruit juice may be more Sugar than the lemonade contains, the cornflakes are not vegetarian, and the face cream consists largely of palm oil. "With the new 5.0 version, the focus is now even more on the individual needs of each person," explains CodeCheck CEO Boris Manhart.

The 5.0 version as a milestone

Each user now receives their own rating circle based on their very personal interests and purchasing habits. For example, for people who only want to consume organic palm oil, this circle lights up red as soon as it contains conventional palm oil. The same applies to people who want to avoid sugar or microplastics, for example. The alternative products displayed are also selected and displayed based on these personal settings. "With the personalization that has now been carried out, we are taking the biggest step with CodeCheck since the launch of the iPhone app," says Manhart.

Special shopping needs require individual helpers

An even more customizable app is a logical next step, because people's needs are becoming increasingly specialized: According to studies, more than 20 percent of the population in industrialized countries suffer from food intolerances and react with various complaints to gluten, lactose or fructose. According to a representative survey by the market research institute DemoSCOPE eleven percent of the Swiss population eat a vegetarian diet, three percent a vegan diet. Others, on the other hand, want to do without palm oil - the WWF However, according to the study, it is present in every second supermarket product.

About CodeCheck

CodeCheck combines user-generated product information in its database with the assessments of renowned experts such as Greenpeace, the BUND or the consumer advice center and makes them available free of charge in the app and on the web. With a scan of the barcode, information on microplastics, palm oil, E-numbers, gluten, sugar or fat content in food is displayed in addition to assessments for vegetarians or vegans. To date, the app has been downloaded more than 4.5 million times and can be used in both German and English.

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