Act correctly in case of sunstroke and heat cramps

Anyone who works outside in the heat quickly suffers from sunstroke. But what are the symptoms of heat stroke or heat cramp? Suva has compiled some prevention tips for recognizing emergencies.

Cool down, drink and seek shade - this is how heat illnesses can be prevented.

Anyone working outdoors at temperatures above 25 degrees can quickly suffer from sunstroke. A distinction must be made between different stages of heat illness: above all between heat cramps, heat exhaustion or sunstroke and heat stroke.

Briefly, heat cramps are brief, cramp-like pains in muscles, for example, during demanding outdoor exercise in the sun. In sunstroke or heat exhaustion, water loss causes a decrease in blood volume, which may be symptomatically reflected in a flushing of the head or partial nausea. In heat stroke, the body can no longer regulate the temperature and sudden collapse of the organ systems may occur at about 40 °C.

According to Irene Kunz, an occupational physician at Suva, however, simple tips can help protect against overheating: for example, drink plenty of fluids, wear sun-protective clothing throughout the day, rest regularly, adjust your work rhythm - and again: drink plenty of fluids, preferably spread throughout the day. But what to do in case of heat cramp, sunstroke or heat stroke? Suva describes the symptoms and what to do in an emergency. in this guide article.

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