Good resolutions: With balance and strength into the new year

Falls are still considered the most frequent cause of accidents in leisure time in Switzerland. Around 16,000 people are seriously injured each year and around 1700 falls have fatal consequences. However, movements and targeted training can contribute to optimal fall prevention well into old age.

Fall prevention

It happens quickly. You want to mount a lamp on a ladder, go up and down stairs or do the shopping and already during a self-evident everyday activity an accident occurs, be it by falling from a height, on the stairs or by tripping on the same level: every year such accidents cause about 16,000 serious injuries and 1700 deaths, according to the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (BFU). We also fall particularly frequently at home. According to the BFU, two-thirds of fall accidents do not occur from a height, but precisely when one would least expect it. The causes of falls vary and can also have to do with the nature of the floors. However, a good workout and plenty of balance can help prevent them, so that they can catch themselves in time, because falls can be particularly consequential in older years. Regular, targeted training of balance, strength and cognitive-motor skills is needed, the BFU writes in a statement. Against this background, the three institutions BFU, Pro Senectute and Health Promotion Switzerland have launched the campaign be launched, which provides some tips and courses on a website.

Five good resolutions are definitely useful for the year, he said:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Exercise three times a week for 30 minutes with balance and strength
  • Get advice on training from a professional if needed
  • possibly participate in a guided group training and also train at home
  • avoid any trip hazards at home

Source: AAIB

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