Focus on handling hazardous goods and substances

Parallel to ArbeitsSicherheit Schweiz, GLL Expo, the trade fair for logistics and load securing of dangerous goods and hazardous substances, will celebrate its premiere at the exhibition grounds in Bern from June 19 to 21, 2018.

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For the handling and transport of hazardous substances and dangerous goods, there is a wide range of specialized solutions, products, services and systems that cover the entire process chain. Decision-makers can take a look at the GLL Expo about products and services and exchange information with the experts directly on site. In addition to the exhibition stands, trade visitors can look forward to program highlights such as presentations, keynotes and live shows in the hall and on the outdoor grounds of Bernexpo.

Live show with the chemical fire school

"With the live shows, we want to work together with the Chemical Defense School Zofingen sensitize trade visitors to the correct handling of hazardous substances and dangerous goods. In this way, they can see directly on site what risks are associated with incorrect handling or load securing - and are also shown how to react appropriately if the worst comes to the worst," explains Stephanie Flores Gil, project manager of the trade fair duo. "In three scenarios, Kurt Friderich, head of the Chemical Firefighting School, gets to the heart of what they need to pay particular attention to in their day-to-day work so that hazards and serious accidents involving dangerous goods can be avoided."

In the first scenario, a forklift accident in the hazardous materials warehouse is re-enacted, focusing particularly on the topics of packaging and proper handling in the warehouse. This shows how such an accident can be avoided: from first aid measures, correct collection and absorption to the necessary remediation work and new packaging, all relevant topics are covered in this live show. The second show is about a hazardous materials accident: a tanker overturns and a liquid spills out. Together with colleagues from the professional fire department in Bern, the schematic sequence and the correct procedure in the event of an accident involving a tanker are presented and explained. The last scenario deals with the effect of chemicals on the human body. Here, visitors can see exactly where the limits of PPE lie, but at the same time learn how to build up trust in it.

Further education in the expert lectures

Refreshing knowledge and learning new things is also on the agenda in the expert presentations on the GLL Stage: For example, dry ice as a coolant for the transport of dangerous goods or the experiences of an external dangerous goods safety advisor. Franco Digirolamo, Head of Continuing Education at the Astag Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association, will present an e-learning platform for training and continuing education in the transport industry. Stefan Jenny, President of the VSGGB (Association of Swiss Dangerous Goods Officers), will talk about the transport regulations for lithium batteries in his presentation. Here, the audience will learn how lithium batteries must be shipped correctly and which dangerous goods transport regulations apply to them.
Thomas Meier, developer of the app Truckerfreund, will talk about his application in his presentation: This is aimed at all truck drivers and addresses the issue of correct load securing. If they are accused of deficiencies during an inspection, the app helps them to have the accuracy of the accusation checked again. The presentation by Jens-Thomas Rückert, consultant and dangerous goods trainer, will focus on transport safety in air transport. In it, the aviation expert addresses the increasingly stringent requirements in air transport and the changes that need to be observed with regard to lithium batteries.

Source: Boerding



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