Skin cancer does not only develop on the beach

In an international comparison, Switzerland has one of the highest rates of skin cancer. Every day, around three people contract white skin cancer as a result of their occupational activities. In order to prevent skin cancer when working outdoors, Suva is taking employers to task.

Each year, about 1,000 workers develop skin cancer due to inadequate protection while working outdoors. © Depositphotos/elenathewise

June 1 is now the meteorological beginning of summer. Most people are looking forward to even more sunshine, because the sun has many positive effects on people. Among other things, it promotes our well-being, gets the circulation going and releases happiness hormones. For people who regularly work outdoors, however, the sun can be a danger - especially for the skin. Every year, around 1,000 employees fall ill with skin cancer if they do not protect themselves adequately when working outdoors. The culprits are the ultraviolet rays.

Employer must provide the protective equipment - including sunscreen

Suva is placing a new emphasis on the prevention of occupational diseases. In order to be aware of the dangers posed by UV rays at the Outdoor work In order to raise awareness of the problem, it is stepping up its prevention activities and thus placing the onus on employers. Among other things, it informs the companies concerned with the information material "Der Profi," which is available as a A4 poster and as extended Infographic multilingual on  can be downloaded. It shows in which months which protective measures should be taken. The fact is that UV radiation is just as strong in April as it is in August.

Besides sunburn, UV rays cause skin cancer - especially on the face, neck and ears. In addition UV rays age the skin more quickly and can lead to eye damage. Skin cancer caused by UV rays at work is an occupational disease. This means the employer is responsible for protecting its employees and must provide the appropriate protective equipment - this includes sunscreen.

Clothes offer the best protection

UV rays are contained in sunlight and are invisible to the human eye. What many do not know: The strength of UV radiation is not dependent on the temperature. Even if it is cool outside, you have to protect yourself from UV radiation. Clothes offer the best protection. So as many parts of the skin as possible should be covered with it. Only a large amount of sunscreen can protect uncovered skin.

This is how you protect yourself from UV rays when working outdoors on sunny and partly cloudy days:

In April and May:
- Wear T-shirt.
- Repeatedly rub sunscreen on all uncovered areas of skin.

In June and July:
- Wear T-shirt.
- Repeatedly rub sunscreen on all uncovered areas of skin.
- Wear construction helmet with neck guard and forehead shield.
- Wear a cap with a neck protector and a head shield.

In August and September:
- Wear T-shirt.
- Repeatedly rub sunscreen on all uncovered areas of skin.

These protective measures are mandatory for all employees working outdoors as of January 1, 2019.

Other measures (not mandatory but recommended):
- Shade workplace.
- Avoid working on the sun between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

Supplementary information about UV protection

Text: Suva

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