Seven steps to a desired security budget

A requested security budget from the IT department doesn't always stand a chance of getting in front of management. A guide helps.

How can I convince the management of the security budget?
How can I convince the management of the security budget?

According to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, there were 48 million registered security incidents worldwide last year, with some of the damage caused running into billions. But the security budget requested to ward off such incidents does not always stand a chance with management. That's why the company WatchGuard Technologies has developed a Guide It is intended to support IT managers in anchoring the topic at management level. A better understanding of the security requirements on the part of the financial decision-makers is the most important prerequisite for initiating measures to implement a security concept, emphasizes the network security specialist.

The guide defines a total of seven steps on the way to the desired security budget and provides concrete recommendations for action at each individual stage. For example, it shows how a company's individual security needs can be determined and what options are available for uncovering potential security gaps in the company's own network. In addition, IT managers will find tips on how to present the current situation and possible courses of action to management.


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