Barrier-free workplaces

Switzerland is home to more than 1.5 million people with various physical, mental and intellectual disabilities, many of them of working age. To enable these people to participate in working life, barriers must be removed - not least those in people's minds.

Integration into the work process is a major concern.

In 2014, Switzerland ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The central concern of the Convention is to remove the numerous attitudinal and environmental barriers that affect the autonomous lives of people with disabilities on a daily basis.

Such an autonomously led life also includes barrier-free access to work.

What is the situation in Switzerland today? Where are the major obstacles? What are the tasks of the companies?

Read more about this in the current issue of Safety-Plus!

Other topics:

  • Cold injuries
  • Culture change in occupational safety
  • Deal with stress
  • Store chemicals correctly
  • Prevent tripping accidents
  • Safe machines brand homemade
  • Working alone - but safely!

In addition, the new "Prevention" section is waiting for you.

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