IP migration: new guide helps

The IP switchover affects not only classic voice telephony, but also alarm systems, elevator telephones, remote monitoring, etc. The Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut) publishes a guide that contains practical scenarios for the modernization of "technical trades" based on case studies.

Source: asut guide
Source: asut guide

Analog and ISDN telephony lines in Switzerland will be replaced by digital IP technology by the end of 2017. In the future, not only Internet-based services (data, movies, music, etc.) will run over the IP network, but also all voice services. In the case of residential customers, most analog phones can be connected to the Internet router and thus also function with digital telephony. However, action is required for business customers who use analog dial-up devices to monitor or control plant and machinery. These devices use protocols that are no longer supported in the IP world and therefore no longer function reliably. These devices must be adapted to the IP infrastructure by the end of 2017.

This affects, for example, alarm systems, elevator telephones, franking machines, remote monitoring or fax machines. Special attention is paid to so-called "technical trades" such as cooling systems, heating systems, machines, pumps and many more, which are currently monitored and controlled via analog dialers. These facilities, systems and equipment account for approximately 40% of the dialers to be upgraded. With the discontinuation of the analog/ISDN network, the connection to the IP network and the transmission of information from "technical trades" must now be re-planned. This migration poses major challenges for many companies and industries, as Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut) writes.

For this reason, the All IP working group of asut, together with representatives of affected industries (including the elevator industry, security industry, energy suppliers, retail trade, etc.), has compiled a comprehensive presentation of concrete case studies (use cases) and summarized them in a guide. The guide describes migration scenarios of "technical trades" in practical use cases and contains the infrastructures most frequently encountered on the market.

The Guide with case studies for the migration of technical trades from analog/ISDN to All IP can now be downloaded from the asut website.

Source: asut


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