Colorful Switzerland" campaign - against hate speech on the Internet

20 years ago, the Swiss electorate approved the criminal law on racism. Therefore, the Federal Commission against Racism launches the campaign "Colorful Switzerland". The aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the issue of racial discrimination and hate speech on the Internet.



"It is also to the credit of this commission that today racism is perceived as a social problem," said Federal Councillor Alain Berset, head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the criminal norm on racism. The commitment against racist discrimination is a permanent task of all, he said.

Martine Brunschwig Graf, President of the Federal Commission against Racism (FCR), said: "Racism has not necessarily increased. However, it has found a new platform via social media. Anonymity on the net is one of the most important criteria for the spread of racist statements."

The criminal standard on racism is directed against disparaging and discriminatory actions and statements in the public sphere. However, it also protects human dignity on the Internet, which may not be violated under the guise of freedom of expression; incitement to racial hatred and racial discrimination is also prohibited on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other platforms.

The "Colorful Switzerland" campaign is aimed primarily at young people, but also at all users of new technologies who contribute to a discourse and customs that do not want to give space to racial discrimination on the Internet and social media, the FDHA writes. The campaign will be conducted in collaboration with partners from the public and private sectors, especially education, business, culture and non-profit organizations, it said.

On the occasion of the campaign, which lasted six months, also a virtual platform launched.

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