Cancer sufferers in the workplace: employers challenged

In many cases, cancer is no longer a death sentence. But when an employee falls ill, it also means a major challenge for the company. The Swiss Cancer League offers help.

Remaining at work or successfully returning to work during and after cancer treatment can promote the healing process. In this regard, employers have an important role in supporting those affected by cancer in the workplace. The will to act and solidarity with those affected is palpable on the employer side, as is uncertainty. The Cancer League accompanies supervisors with information and support services and works to ensure that the needs of employees are heard.

Together with the Swiss Employers' Association and the Swiss Cancer Foundation, the Cancer League organized the conference "Cancer Affected People at Work".

Cancer is the third leading cause of extended absences from work

In Switzerland, there are more than 64,000 people of working age (20-69 year olds) who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years. Many continue to work after or even during therapy. This is because work creates normality in everyday life and helps the people affected to maintain their social contacts and relationships. This is a challenge for employers - both in their dealings with those affected and with their employees.

Supporting offers for companies

Especially in small and medium-sized companies, a cancer diagnosis raises legal, financial and interpersonal issues. Supervisors are often overwhelmed by the complexity and need advice. "With our offers, we want to make a sustainable contribution in the companies. After all, in addition to attentive support, supervisors need appropriate knowledge about cancer-related issues. As a competence center, we support companies," emphasizes Dr. Kathrin Kramis-Aebischer, Managing Director of the Swiss Cancer League.

With a telephone coaching service for employers, the Cancer League is creating a new point of contact. From November 21, 2016, it will be offering advice in German, French and Italian under the number 0848 114 118. In addition, on-site coaching services already exist at some cantonal cancer leagues, and services are being developed at other leagues. The Cancer League is fulfilling its role and is actively engaged with the cantonal and regional cancer leagues to meet the challenges of the future.

Source: Swiss Cancer League

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