Guidelines for quality-based vocational training

The Swiss apprenticeship system is unique. The "Charta Berufsbildung" has recognized the requirements of the times and developed guidelines for improving the quality of apprenticeships. The charter also includes the topics of occupational health and safety.

Adrian Krebs

Why do we need such a guide?

The appeal of apprenticeships has diminished in recent years. Nowadays, young people have various school-based training alternatives. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to invest sufficient time and money in training in the face of rising market demands, which is why resources are being cut. But this is short-term thinking. Well-trained employees cannot be taken for granted and the quality of training stands and falls with the training companies. Experts know that the time has come to act. On the initiative of the IGBB (Swiss Vocational Education and Training Interest Group), the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) has therefore set up the "Vocational Training Charter" project committee. The task: a guideline to ensure the quality of vocational education and training. The charter also includes the topics of occupational safety and health protection so that apprentices can complete their apprenticeship as accident-free as possible.

How is a guide created?

The "Charta Berufsbildung" working group is made up of experts from a wide range of fields, from people with day-to-day responsibility for training to representatives of associations. The guidelines were not started from scratch. Thanks to the group members' extensive wealth of experience, the guidelines were based on many examples of best practice. "This was also one of the central points of discussion - what does best practice mean? It looks different for an SME with five employees than for a global company with several thousand employees," emphasizes Adrian Krebs. "However, our aim was for the end result to act as a source of inspiration and a practical guideline, regardless of the size of the company. In addition, the application should be cross-industry and also reflect developments in the economy." In recent years, apprenticeships in the energy industry and in information and communication technology (ICT) have become increasingly attractive. These include professions such as EFZ mediamatician, EFZ ICT specialist, EFZ building IT specialist and EFZ digital business developer.

What does the guide look like today?

The guide is currently being launched under the name "Charta Berufsbildung - Erfolgsmodell für eine qualitätsbasierte Berufsausbildung" and comprises just over 20 pages. "Our aim was not to create a binding and strict step-by-step guide, but to offer a pragmatic working tool that can be understood as a flexible guideline and can also be enriched with company-specific elements," explains Adrian Krebs. "It was particularly important to map the training process holistically. This begins as early as the career orientation phase and the subsequent recruitment process. At this stage, it is crucial to create a mutual basis of expectations and not make any unrealistic promises." Other topics covered in the guide include the job interview, the contract, the first day of work, supervision, training reports, learning documentation, qualification interviews, conflict and data management and talent development. Informative practical examples are also presented in the appendix, such as a learning documentation "Electrician EFZ in the 1st year of apprenticeship".

What happens next with the guide?

The guidelines are in place. Now the work is shifting to a different terrain. Under the motto "Every signature counts", the initiative is now focusing on encouraging companies to sign the charter. In doing so, they are committing themselves to strengthening their commitment to sustainable and future-oriented vocational training. The more training companies participate, the more effective it will be and the more valuable feedback will flow back. Training companies that already have SN EN ISO 9001 certification commit themselves to the "Charta Berufsbildung" and to adhering to the 5-point plan.

Who benefits from the guide?

On the one hand, training companies and those responsible for training. They receive a relevant tool with which they can optimize their recruitment and ensure the quality of training. This improves their reputation in the industry and makes it easier to attract the best talent in the future. On the other hand, young people benefit. They and their parents can be confident that they have chosen a professional training company and thus a promising start to their career. This also promotes professional pride.

What are the expectations of the guide?

Vocational training is the most important source of new talent on the labor market and therefore deserves appropriate social recognition. The charter is intended to make a contribution to this. The better the quality of the training, the more school leavers will choose this path. A Swiss apprenticeship is an ideal springboard into a diverse professional world with numerous career opportunities.

To Adrian Krebs: He also began his career with an apprenticeship, from where he continued his education and training. For more than 15 years, he has been managing director of and brings young talents together with successful companies. The quality of training is a topic close to his heart. Thanks to his many years of experience across industry boundaries, the IGBB nominated him to work on the "Charta Berufsbildung".

The 5-point plan of the Charter

The charter is a self-declaration for training companies that are committed to the quality of basic vocational training.

1. act ethically and morally in accordance with basic vocational training.

2. train apprentices in occupational health and safety and ensure that apprentices complete their apprenticeship as accident-free as possible.

3. train apprentices in accordance with the principles of the guidelines, even in hectic everyday working life and extraordinary situations.

4. in accordance with the curriculum, they review the educational level of the learners across all learning venues and are committed to closing any gaps in the learners' education by suitable means within the next assessment period.

5 The company shall ensure that suitable vocational trainers have the necessary resources and qualifications.

The "Charta Berufsbildung" is expected to be published in November 2023 and published via the SNV-Connect standards store be available.

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