Martin Altorfer is the new SES President

The Association of Swiss Installers of Security Systems (SES) has a new president. Martin Altorfer was elected unanimously as Peter Nebiker's successor after seven years under his presidency.

SES President
The 50th anniversary celebration of the SES Association took place on the Jungfraujoch. (Image: Simon Gröflin)

Martin Altorfer was elected as the new president of the Association of Swiss Security System Installers (SES) at its general meeting on June 23, 2022, without any dissenting votes. Altorfer, who has been a member of the management board of Securiton AG since 2018, is regarded as a profound expert in the Swiss security industry. A business economist and Master of Science in Business Administration FH, he has held various positions at Securitas Group Switzerland, both in Switzerland and abroad, since 1996. Martin Altorfer joined Securiton AG in 2014 and headed, among other things, the Bern office until December 2017. Since 2018, he has had overall responsibility for Securiton AG's installer business as Head of Sales Switzerland.

In the past, according to the outgoing SES president, there was a non-statutory custom to change the presidency every seven years. For example, Guido Portmann (Securiton) previously handed over his role as president to Peter Nebiker (Siemens). Peter Nebiker, however, will remain with the SES Association as elected Vice President.

Fredy Meier of Minimax, who is retiring both in his function on the board and in business, gave a eulogy in honor of Peter Nebiker. During his eleven years on the board, Peter Nebiker had always contributed credibly and competently and had attached great importance to presenting the SES association well in various institutions.

As the industry statistics for 2021 collected by SES show, the order volume in the Swiss security industry now amounts to almost 800 million. According to Nebiker, the sector's growth in 20/21 was even exceptionally high, with a gain of 3.3 percent (around 26 million Swiss francs). A very pleasing growth was shown by the security section, which was able to increase by almost 5 percent. In the case of intrusion detection systems, there has been a decline since 2016, which has so far been unstoppable. On the other hand, Video Security and Access Control recorded healthy growth. Access Control, for example, even managed to grow by 16 percent. The Fire section was also able to grow by a strong 2.4 percent overall compared to the previous year. (sgr)

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