More than half of smokers want to quit

According to a survey conducted as part of Addiction Monitoring Switzerland, 52.8 percent of smokers would like to give up smoking. Former smokers showed that quitting smoking is not easy: 80 percent tried more than once before they succeeded.

More than half of smokers would like to give up their habit.

The proportion of people who want to quit smoking is increasing: In a survey conducted as part of Addiction Monitoring Switzerland 2015, one in two smokers (52.8%) said they wanted to give up smoking. Compared to 2011, this figure has risen by 11.4 percentage points. This trend can be observed among both daily smokers and occasional smokers.

24 percent of smokers, 22.3 percent of daily smokers and 27.7 percent of occasional smokers have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking in the past twelve months. The figures for former daily smokers show that it often takes a second attempt. Only 19.9 percent quit on their first attempt, 35.0 percent on their second. Consequently, 80 percent tried to quit smoking more than once before they succeeded.

Lung League helps people to stop smoking
The Lung League supports and advises people who want to stop smoking. Smoking cessation is most often successful with professional stop-smoking advice. Anyone seeking professional support can register with the cantonal lung leagues for stop-smoking advice. Other offers have proven successful in helping people to stop smoking: In the "J'arrête de fumer" project, which is currently being carried out in six cantons in French-speaking Switzerland, all registered participants quit smoking together on the same day. From this date, they receive a tip every day via Facebook and can also take advantage of personal support. Facebook also offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants. As part of the "Smoke-free companies" project, the Lung League supports companies that want to offer their employees professional and tried-and-tested stop-smoking training.

Text: Swiss Lung Association

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